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What is the json-serializer/deserializer used in Gilhari?

“what is the json-serializer/deserializer used - how does it stack against the widely available libs in terms of performance?”
The above is a question asked by Jagdeesh Ramraj during a Gilhari presentation at a conference.


  • Gilhari uses the JDX ORM engine to persist JSON data in a relational database. JDX is a highly optimized and lightweight ORM framework based on some well thought-out KISS principles. JDX provides a high-performance ORM solution as it caches metadata information, minimizes database trips, uses prepared statements where possible, uses connection pooling, and allows bulk operations.

    Unlike some other solutions where JSON data may be serialized/de-serialized into/from a TEXT or a BLOB table column, Gilhari maps JSON attributes to individual table columns. So Indexing and querying can easily be done on JSON attribute values with normal syntax. That results in better performance compared to solutions that serialize the JSON data in TEXT columns. Also, the persisted data can be utilized better by other tools and applications.

    Finally, a Gilhari microservice is deployed in a Docker container, which can be scaled by a container orchestration system like Kubernetes.

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